Monday 24 December 2012

Earl Nightingale’s Secret to Success

The legendary Earl Nightingale spent 17 years on a quest to answer one question: What makes the difference? He wanted to discover why some people are financially well off while others are poor.

 His mother, Gladys Nightingale, encouraged him to read. “Knowledge is everything; everything you want to know has been written down by someone,” she told him. In 1950, at the age of 29, he found the answer he was seeking in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. It was six simple words: We become what we think about.

 To become what you think about, take Nightingale’s 30-day test. It could change your life:
Write on a card what you want more than anything. Make sure it is a single goal and it is clearly defined.
Don’t show it to anyone, but carry it with you so you can look at it several times a day.
Think about it in a cheerful, relaxed and positive way each morning when you wake up.
Look at it before you go to bed at night. As you look at it, remember you must become what you think about.
Now comes the difficult part: Stop thinking about what you fear. Each time a fearful or negative thought comes into your consciousness, replace it with a mental picture of your positive and worthwhile goal.
Each day of this 30-day test, do more than you have to do.
Take control of your mind, knowing your returns will be in direct proportion to what you give.

Resource for this post: Success Official Newsletter

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